Welcome Guest!
Here's how the procedure works: Member Training (MT) Officers should be the only people to request classes. When you submit the form, it is sent to the DSO-MT for approval. After it is approved, it is sent to the DSO-CS to be put on the website. So there will be a delay of a day or two before your class is posted. Please submit requests as far ahead of time as practicable (at least a week or more) to allow time for verification and posting.
NOTE: Do not use this form to submit Intent to Teach forms for Auxiliary and State Public Education courses. They are handled separately and will be listed on the Public Boating Courses page once submitted.
Be sure to include any details needed for members to sign up for your class in the 'Additional Information' box. In addition, include anything not covered in the required fields like additional contact info, additional dates, additional details, more specific description, prerequisites, costs, instructors, travel details, etc. This would include information to request Teleconference (i.e. WebEx) information for the course.
Please Note: If the class you want to teach is not on the list on the Member Training Course Finder main page nor in the drop-down list on the form, please pick 'New Course' in the drop-down list and then fill in the information in the bottom part of the form for the new course name and description. This is information needed in order to add your class to the training course listing on the Member Training Course Finder. Refer to other courses in the list on the Member Training Course Finder main page for examples.
Thank you for your patience.
Due to new Authentication Policies in place, this content will be accessible only via our District WOW website (http://a095.wow.uscgaux.info)
This folder contains Protected Content available only to Auxiliary members who Log In to this site. Once logged in, go to The "Members Only" section, "Intent to Teach Form".
If you wish to contact us regarding any aspect of the Member Training Program, please fill out the form to the right and click on the "Send Message" button. Your message will be sent to the District Staff Officer for Member Training (DSO-MT).