Welcome Guest!
Some events listed here are for Auxiliary members only. These events are identified by the symbol following the name of the event on the left. Feel free to peruse the information about these members only events as it will give you some insight into the functioning of the Auxiliary. If after doing so you you would like to learn more about joining the Auxiliary, click here.
All other events listed on the left are open to the general publilc. You are cordially invited to attend any event that interests you.
The District Calendar is available in this section of the District website. Please conact the Webmaster for information on how you can get your event listed on the District Calendar.
To the left is listed the upcoming events in the Ninth District Western Region. Please note that events listed here do not need to be events sponsored by the District! Division and Flotilla events that may be of interest to other members in the District, or to the general public, may be listed here. In fact, you are encouraged to do so. Note also, that this is an excellant place to make your appeal for volunteers to staff your event. Oftentimes members from other Divisions and/or Flotillas are willing to assist you with your event. They are just waiting to be asked!
In order to get your event listed here, please contact the Webmaster.
Past events may also be listed on the left. They are listed here for historial purposes as well as to use as a template for an event that you may be planning.
Our District makes various recordings of our District Board Meetings and other events on our four You Tube Channels. Please visit to see what we have to offer!
Events Home Page
On-Going Training Oportunities
Member Training Course Finder
Upcoming Events:
Board Meeting Information:
Board Meeting Documents and Recordings
Past Event information:
indicates a protect page that is available only to members who are logged in
If you wish to contact us regarding any aspect of the Ninth District Western Region, please fill out the form to the right and click on the "Send Message" button. Your message will be sent to the District Staff Officer for Public Affairs (DSO-PA).