You are encouraged to use this website to learn more about the broad scope of Public Affairs, and how you can always best represent the Auxiliary in all your activities. Every member who interacts with the general public or other non-Auxiliarists, does so a representative of the Auxiliary whether or not s/he is specifically partaking in a public affairs activity.
Public Affairs, externally, represents the Auxiliary and the USCG to the general public and, internally, aids our members in learning about the organization of which they are members and how to properly represent the organization. For those, intentionally participating in public affairs activities, there is a broad array of avenues for participation. They include, but are not limited to:
Representing the Auxiliary at events (boat shows, VE blitzes, community events, etc. – see Events Calendars below)
Writing and disseminating press releases and radio announcements
If you wish to contact us regarding any aspect of the Public Affairs Program, please fill out the form to the right and click on the "Send Message" button. Your message will be sent to the District Staff Officer for Public Affaits (DSO-PA).